Kilglass Church Home Page
Featuring The MacFirbis Community Centre and Leaffoney National School
This Site was last updated 20.6.2002 

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Kilglass Church of Ireland church is located about one mile on the Easkey side of Enniscrone,County Sligo - overlooking Killala Bay. The church serves an active local congregation and cordially invites all visitors to its services. We use the Alternative Prayer Book in conjunction with the New Church Hymnal. The congregation takes joy in singing the canticles and psalms so those blessed with a good voice are especially welcome!

Details of Sunday services.

All at 12 noon

Kilglass -1st and 3rd Sunday
Easkey 2nd and 4th Sunday

How to Find Us.

The church is easy to spot as it is opposite the bright yellow building of The MacFirbis Centre which has ample car parking . The hall acts as a community centre and is available for functions . There is a fully equipped kitchen and the inside of the hall is as bright and cheerful as the outside! Click here to contact us for bookings. 

     We had another successful series of holiday art classes over the Summer and carried on with Saturday morning classes during the Autumn.


Children from Kilglass and Belfast working on a mural for the centre.


"Junk Jewellery"


A facepainting session.
The latest addition to the centre is a fine sculpture by local artists Imelda Peppard and Killian Rodgers. The group of figures represent a gathering of learned people of the Bardic tradition and is entitled "Éigse". Nearby is a tree planted by our friends from South Belfast with whom we have exchanged many visits.


Our new Logo based on the work of local Sculptor Killian Rodgers seen here at the wild, wet and windy ribbon cutting ceremony!  The ceremony was performed by local historian Gertie MacHale and Ken Sproule on 24th August, 2001.

There has  been a strong musical emphasis since the MacFirbis Centre opened and Ivan Gibson continues to work with young musicians and bands helping them to develop their potential through the recording technology available at the centre.


The Mothers Union members met once a month from September. Activities included  a Health talk on Osteoarthritis, Blood pressure and insomnia, a pot luck supper held in the MacFirbis centre when funds were raised towards overseas projects, knitting bonnets for premature babies, making up Christmas baskets.There are 3 million members worldwide lobbying against social inequalities and involved in projects ranging from small scale agricultural initiatives to setting up family support groups in prisons and supporting families affected by AIDS.Thanks to Sue Fair and Dawn Gawley for all their hard work.

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Our Ongoing History and Development
The Church at Kilglass was built in 1829 with a grant of nine hundred pounds from the Board of First Fruits and is one of a series of charming churches gracing the coast-line, all with a similar design. The interior was reordered and extensively renovated in 1996. The church and congregation as well as other members of the community have been involved with Cross-border initiatives sponsored by Peace and Reconciliation. In 2001 this involved, under the guidance of Ruth Greer (Tel.096/36433), a group of 18 women both local and from Belfast, in completing 163 feet of tapestry including pew runners, Communion rail kneelers and a pulpit falls. This is a farming and tourism area with a few fishermen still plying their trade out of Enniscrone and the choice of the boat and lamb reflect this background. These projects are part of our witness and outreach in the community .
We pray for continued renewal and reconciliation in our community.

We are delighted to welcome Doctor Sue Patterson from New Zealand as our new rector and as Dean of Killala( the first lady dean of a Cathedral in Ireland ). Reverend Sue, as she wishes to be known, is a Fulbright Scholar and has written on such issues as The task of Theology today, The Theology of Reconciliation, Biblical and Systematic theology. She is also an artist and musician. We welcome her husband John who is a psychologist.

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Leaffoney National School


Today the school draws children from Templeboy, Dromore West, Easkey and Kilglass and whilst under Church of Ireland  patronage, the school is attended by children of other denominations. The School has a high teacher / pupil ratio enabling close attention to the needs of our individual children. 
The Principal is Myrtle Nairn
Assistant teacher -Miss Wallace
Shared Learning Support Josephine Gallagher

Exchanges continue with the South Belfast Cultural Society. Congratulations to all who were involved in the St.Patricks Day parade in Sligo where they were awarded first prize in the community section. A cultural evening was then held in Enniscrone. Without the energy and committment of Chris and Paddy Tuffy and John Deane these exchanges over 3 years would have faltered and failed. It is impossible to put a value on the cultural benefit of these exchanges. The next exchange in a fortnights time is to Portrush. Chris can be contacted at

Bible Thoughts

I am the Resurrection and the Life. John 11.v25

Church Organisations:- Diocesan details .     The main Church of Ireland site.  Anglican resource for prayewr and hymns     Diocese of Killala details.  Kilglass community site.   Ireland yearly Meeting
Local Sites:-    County Genealogy Research   Irish Farmers Association
Friends of this site:-
http:\\     Tapestries of Irish Landscapes by Andrew Wilson who designed some of our tapestry work and this website!
http:\\     The site of Steve Rodgers who took some of the photos on this site.